Buddhism in Plain Terms Radio “卢台长”“白话佛法”广播
“白话佛法” 是“卢军宏台长”用生活的语言来讲解高深的佛法,既从人生的哲理上来解释,又用日常生活中浅显的例子,在白话佛法中, 领会深奥的, 高层次的佛学理论。 台长以方便智,说方便法,引导听众破迷开悟,离苦得乐,究竟解脱。
每天听“白话佛法”,能开发我们的智慧,提高我们的觉悟,修正我们错误的行为 , 修改我们的命运,受益不浅 。
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There were many times where Guan Yin Bodhisattva mercifully responded to my difficulties in urgent situations and provided a solution — when I was suffering from mental disorders and even with trivial matters like wanting a taxi when I was going to be late for school. What I can say is that Guan Yin Bodhisattva and all Bodhisattvas (of higher powers) really do exist, they are real and are very benevolent, and their power, love and mercy are forever encompassing, over-reaching and unfailing.
Charmaine Antonia Chu
Hong Kong
I had rheumatoid arthritis for many years. Last April, the medication became ineffective and I had to endure the pain. I felt hopeless as I couldn’t do anything to stop it. In September, my friend introduced me to Guan Yin Citta. I started to recite Buddhist sutras. In December, I felt my legs were stronger than before. Even the doctor was surprised to find test results were normal.
Jenny Hsu
Karena Xin Ling Fa Men, sekarang pikiran saya tidak merisaukan hal-hal duniawi. Hidup saya semakin hari semakin bahagia dan berjalan dengan lancar.
Selat Panjang, Indonesia
Several years ago, I wanted to change from a career in finance to one in education. It was very difficult, given the sluggish job market. One day, I learned from Master Lu’s teachings that karmic debts blocks one’s career path. Knowing that repentance is the way to get rid of bad karma, I kneeled down in front of the Buddha altar and recited the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance Text. I was in tears and repented of how I was petty-minded and intolerant, and how I was unwilling to share my knowledge before. Amazingly, the second day after my repentance, I got an offer of an interview and found a job in education. Guan Yin Bodhisattva answered my prayer within 48 hours after my repentance! I did it, and I believe you can too.
Crystal Huang
Anak laki-laki saya terlahir normal, ketika dia berumur 1.5 tahun sudah bisa memanggil papa mama, juga bisa mengikuti instruksi dari kami. Tetapi sekitar umur 2 tahun, dia tiba-tiba menjadi pendiam dan tidak bisa berbicara. Dokter memvonis anak saya menderita autisme. Sampai anak saya berumur 4 tahun lebih, saya mulai mengenal XLFM dan melafalkan paritta. Setelah saya mempraktekkan 3 kunci utama dalam XLFM: berikrar melakukan kebajikan, melepaskan makhluk hidup dan membaca paritta selama 2 tahun, sekarang anak saya sudah kembali normal (bisa bicara, menyanyi, mau bertaman dll). Saya sangat bersyukur bisa mengenal XLFM.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is a Practical Buddhist Approach to Alleviating Suffering & Making Life Better through Recitations, Great Vows & Life Liberation.
Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa "Xin Ling Fa Men": Efektif menyembuhkan Penyakit, Hubungan, Karir & Masalah Studi dengan Lafalkan Sutra, Berikrar Melakukan Kebajikan & Pelepasan Makhluk Hidup.
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