Question #158:
I hurt the feelings of several boyfriends in my previous relationships. Now I have realised my mistakes, and I am reciting the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance as well as the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots to repent my wrongdoings. Do I also need to offer Little Houses? What should I do?
Answer #158:
• The recitation of the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots is effective in resolving karmic conflicts, provided that the damage is not severe, otherwise the karmic conflicts will still not be completely resolved. For example, you accidentally bump into someone. If you apologise and this person forgives you, then it is over. However, if you have caused injuries to this person, simply saying sorry is not enough to resolve the issue. You will need to offer Little Houses to resolve the karmic conflicts. This is a much more powerful and effective way to resolve karmic conflicts.
• You can address the Little House to “<Your full name> resolves karmic conflicts”. Generally, it is not recommended to address the Little House to the name of the other party or names of both parties. Before you recite and burn the Little House, you can say the following prayer: “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, help me to resolve my negative karmic affinity with <full name of the other person>.” Alternatively, you can say the prayer in its general form: “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, help me to resolve my negative karmic affinity.”
• These Little Houses intended to resolve karmic conflicts are different from those for karmic creditors. Karmic creditors can be those to whom you owe karmic debts from your previous or present lives, or to deceased family members. Therefore, there can be both positive and/or negative karmic affinities between you and the karmic creditors. Karmic conflicts, however, are definitely associated with negative karmic affinities. Little Houses to resolve karmic conflicts are specifically used for resolving your negative karmic affinities. When you burn these Little Houses, karmic creditors will not be able to receive them. They are solely for resolving issues regarding karmic conflicts. Hence, they are very effective for resolving negative karmic affinities.
• Little Houses to resolve karmic conflicts cannot be used to replace Little Houses for karmic creditors. You still need to continue reciting the latter as usual. If you feel that you are having conflicts with others, or you wish to resolve long-term conflicts due to karma, then you can recite more Little Houses to resolve karmic conflicts, e.g. in batches of 7 or 21. You can also recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots at the same time.
• This method is effective for resolving misunderstanding between couples, in family relationships, issues with neighbours or co-workers, and all other interpersonal conflicts.
• You can also offer Little Houses to resolve karmic conflicts on behalf of other people. For example, if your parents often have arguments, you can help improve their relationship by addressing Little Houses to “<Either the full name of your father or the full name of your mother> resolves karmic conflicts”. Avoid writing down both of your parents’ names.
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