Question #37:
What should I do if I feel that my energy is being lost or leaking out?
Answer #37:
• If you feel that your energy is leaking out, you should first identify when the leakage occurred.
• If it occurred at night and you did not lose your temper or get angry, it could be due to the following two reasons:
o Someone is stealing your energy;
o You are leaking energy. People who perform recitations have light and energy. If you do not control your energy properly you could experience leakage.
• As soon as you notice that your energy is leaking out:
o You need to guard the acupuncture points on your body. Join your palms together (so that the ten fingers are together with your thumbs touching each other) and sit cross-legged to prevent your energy from leaking;
o Males need to guard the “Dan Tian” acupuncture point (located about three finger widths below the navel);
o Females need to guard the “Dan Zhong” acupuncture point (located midway between the breasts);
o At the same time, you should recite the Great Compassion Mantra continuously for approximately 5 minutes.
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