Question #118:
Dear Master Lu, I have heart problems, which sutras and mantras should I recite?
Answer #118:
• Firstly, there are two main causes for heart disease:
• One type of heart disease is congenital, which is caused by karmic obstacles. Your karmic retributions for your wrongdoings in past lives can result in you being born into a family with a history of heart disease, or having heart disorders from an early age, or experiencing a heart attack at a particular time.
• Alternatively, if you do not take good care of your heart, constantly have a bad temper and have high blood pressure, or if you have done many things against your conscience, you are also likely to have heart problems. When you do not maintain the right intentions or thoughts, your heart may be overstrained.
• People with heart problems need to be aware of the following:
o First, you need to change your bad habits. Learn to be more tolerant and generous, and to have an open mind. A person who does not easily lose their temper tends to have a healthy heart.
o Learn to be patient, as being impatient would also affect the condition of your heart.
o Perform more recitations of the Heart Sutra, as reciting this will help calm your heart. When you recite the Heart Sutra, you would receive blessings from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and your heart would be at ease.
o It is recommended that you recite the Heart Sutra 21 times per day. For people with heart disease, it is best to recite 49 times per day. In doing so, your heart will gradually open up and your mind will broaden itself.
• In addition, you should also note that:
o If you have heart problems, you need to control your temper.
o It is best to avoid consuming spicy food, as it would put a burden on your heart.
o You should relax. Gazing at the image of Guan Yin Bodhisattva is also beneficial as this will allow the light of Guan Yin Bodhisattva to shine into your heart.
• Below is the recommended daily recitation for people with heart problems:
o Recite the Great Compassion Mantra at least 7 times per day. For severe conditions, 21 times or 49 times per day is recommended.
o Recite the Heart Sutra at least 21 times, or 49 times per day.
o Recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots 29 times per day.
o Recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance at least 3 times per day.
o It is best to perform life liberations. Cultivating compassion and renouncing all attachments can lighten the burden on your heart
• Regardless of whether your heart problems are due to karmic obstacles from your previous lives, or from wrongdoings in your present life, you need to sincerely repent them so that you can gradually reduce the level of stress. Sincerely recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance to repent your wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. As you rid your mind of burdens, you can achieve a higher spiritual level and broaden your perspective.
• You can also take “Danshen Pian” (salvia miltiorrhiza) tablets. They are helpful in preventing and treating heart disease.
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