Question #127:
Dear Master Lu, my child is very disobedient. My child does not listen to me, no matter what I say or how I say it. What should I do?
Answer #127:
• There are many possible reasons for children to misbehave.
• First, you should not use an adult’s way of thinking to restrain the innocent and playful nature of children.
• Generally, if a child does not like to study or listen to you, you can recite the Heart Sutra for the child and pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to grant the child wisdom.
• If a child is having conflicts with their parents or family members, it may be due to karmic conflicts from previous lives, or the child may have come to collect karmic debts from the parents. Therefore, you need to recite the Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots.
• Another plausible reason is that there are karmic creditors (could be the spirit of the mother’s aborted or miscarried baby) occupying the child’s body. If that is the case, you need to recite Little Houses.
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